Here Lies..

My late naughty older stepbro, ladies and gentlemen. My fur sibling. Sign added for good measure. My way of paying respect for the years spent living under the same roof. Not by choice but it had its moments. What we had was not an untenable relationship despite the situation thrust upon us by our hooman ‘rents. Such implusive creatures, those two. The mutt did put up with my moods and claws all those years so…RESPECT.

This is one of those rare occasions I’m willing to pose for a photo. Make it worthwhile. And don’t you dare create one of those social media accounts using my photo and give me ridiculous handles for your amusement. You’ve been warned.

This post was written in response to Photo Challenge #329, hosted by Nekneeraj over at mindlovemiserysmenagerie and One-Word Daily Prompt.

#MLMM #YDWordPrompt

Traveling In The Dark

She hurriedly grabbed her bag and went out to look for him. She hardly knew him but he has some answers for her, that she’s at least sure of. Besides, he’s the only one who’s traveled the way she did this past year. I have to find him before it’s too late.

She found him just as a curtain of dark clouds covered the skies.

“We have to go,” she said, urgently. “Did you find the way?”

“It should be here any minute now,” he assured her.

He grabbed her hand just as a whooshing sound carried them both to a different time, a different place, not of their choosing, but where the answers are.

For visually challenged writers, the image shows a bank of dark clouds rolling in across a sunny moor, casting its shadow on the hills of the horizon.

This story was written for Sue’s #writephoto challenge.

Rare Type of Outing and Welcome Interruptions

Had another excuse to go out yesterday aside from the weekly or so grocery trips. My phone almost fully retired the other day, and my laptop went all moody and just stopped responding weeks back. I had to buy another phone and pick up the laptop from the repair shop (Thankfully there are some open shops for this now). Are even my gadgets getting on with the times..?

After shopping, hubby and I walked by a nearly empty cafe and made a note to dine there later (he also needed a new phone). The silly happiness mixed with a pinch of anxiety I get when dining out (3rd time since the pandemic situation) is still new to me. Who would’ve thought merely dining out would almost feel like living dangerously.

Now my new phone has a built-in health tracker, sending me reminders to drink up or walk/run some distance every day for two days now. For now, I find these notifications welcome breaks to my daily routine, which is mostly writing, cooking, snacking, reading, cleaning, or tending to work/new business. Oh, and there’s the occasional picking a fight with the hubby lol.

What have you done or been doing lately that gives you a small sense of achievement, happiness or wonder?

Photo by Daria Shevtsova on


Self Love Finder

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Nothing But The Truth

I blog about life as an Autistic female with Bipolar 2, giving parenting & marriage my best shot. I am a passionate Advocate for Autism & Mental Health. I'll make you laugh & cry. And I promise you the truth, the whole truth & nothing but the truth. You can also read my blog on Facebook

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